Python or R For Machine Learning- My Hands-On Experience

Python or R For Machine Learning

Do you have confusion and want to know Python or R For Machine Learning? If yes, this blog is for you. In this blog, I will share my hands-on experience with Python and R for Machine Learning.

I will also share the helpful resources to learn Python and R for Machine Learning.

Now, without any further ado, let’s get started-

Python or R For Machine Learning

First, I would like to share my learning experience with you and what I found about which programming language is better for machine learning.

My Learning Experience

As a PhD scholar with a background in B.Tech and M.Tech in Computer Science, I began my machine learning journey using Python. Since I had already studied Python during my undergraduate and postgraduate courses, it was the most straightforward choice for me to learn machine learning.

Starting with Python

I found Python to be an excellent language for machine learning because of my previous experience with it. The transition was smooth, and Python’s rich set of libraries made learning and implementing machine learning models easier. Some key libraries that helped me include:

  • Scikit-Learn: I used this library for various machine learning algorithms. Its user-friendly design and clear documentation made it easy to apply different models and evaluate their performance.
  • TensorFlow and Keras: For deep learning tasks, TensorFlow and Keras were invaluable. They provided the tools needed to build and train neural networks, allowing me to work on more complex projects.
  • Pandas: This library was essential for data manipulation and preparation. It made handling and analyzing data more efficient, which is crucial for any machine learning work.
  • Matplotlib and Seaborn: To visualize data and model results, I used Matplotlib and Seaborn. These libraries helped me create clear and informative visualizations.

Comparing with R

Although I explored R, I found it to be more challenging compared to Python. The syntax and tools in R felt less intuitive for me, especially given my strong background in Python. While R has its own strengths and useful packages, Python’s ease of use and extensive support made it my preferred choice.

Gaps in Python

However, I did encounter some gaps in Python that R addresses more effectively:

  • Statistical Analysis: R excels in statistical analysis and has a vast collection of specialized packages for various statistical methods. I found that R offers more comprehensive and advanced statistical tools compared to Python, which can be crucial for certain types of analysis.
  • Data Visualization: While Python libraries like Matplotlib and Seaborn are very useful, R’s ggplot2 is highly regarded for its advanced and customizable data visualizations. R’s visualization capabilities can offer more flexibility and options for detailed plots and graphics.
  • Built-in Support for Certain Methods: R often provides built-in support for specific statistical methods and techniques that require additional libraries or more complex implementations in Python.

In summary, while Python has been my primary language for machine learning due to its accessibility and extensive libraries, I recognize that R offers certain advantages, particularly in advanced statistical analysis and specialized data visualizations.

Now, let’s see what worked well with each language and how you can benefit from their strengths.

What Worked Well with Python

General Machine Learning Algorithms: Python has been very effective for implementing various machine learning algorithms. Libraries like Scikit-Learn made it easy to work with different models, such as classification and regression.

Deep Learning: For deep learning, TensorFlow and Keras have been extremely helpful. They provide powerful tools for building and training neural networks, and Python’s support for deep learning is extensive.

Data Manipulation: Pandas have been essential for preparing and managing data. It handles large datasets well and simplifies data analysis, which is important for machine learning projects.

Visualization: To visualize data and results, I’ve relied on Python’s Matplotlib and Seaborn. These libraries help create clear and informative charts, making it easier to understand and present data.

Integration and Flexibility: Python’s ability to integrate with various tools and systems makes it ideal for complete machine learning workflows. Its flexibility allows for the smooth handling of different project components.

What Worked Well with R

Statistical Analysis: R excels in statistical analysis. It offers a wide range of packages for detailed and advanced statistical methods, which are useful for thorough analysis.

Advanced Data Visualization: R’s ggplot2 is excellent for creating advanced and customizable visualizations. It provides more options for detailed and tailored plots.

Specialized Methods: R often includes built-in support for specific statistical methods that can be more complex to implement in Python. This can be beneficial for certain specialized analyses.

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA): R’s tools for exploratory data analysis are very effective. They offer strong capabilities for summarizing and understanding data before applying machine learning models.

In summary, Python has been my main choice for general machine-learning tasks, deep learning, data manipulation, and visualization. Meanwhile, R has shown its strengths in statistical analysis, advanced visualization, and specialized methods. Using each language’s strengths according to your needs can greatly enhance your machine-learning projects.

Advice for Beginners: When to Start with Python and When to Learn R

Based on my experience in machine learning, here’s some advice for beginners on where to start and when to choose Python or R:

Starting with Python

  1. Begin with Python: I recommend starting with Python if you are new to machine learning. Python is user-friendly and has a large community, which means you’ll find plenty of resources and support. It’s also a great choice if you’re already familiar with the language from previous studies.
  2. Learn Basic Machine Learning Concepts: Python’s libraries, like Scikit-Learn, make it easy to get started with basic machine learning algorithms. You can quickly implement and test models such as classification and regression.
  3. Explore Data Manipulation and Visualization: Get comfortable with data manipulation using Pandas and visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn. These skills are essential for preparing data and understanding results.
  4. Delve into Deep Learning: Once you’re comfortable with the basics, you can explore deep learning using TensorFlow and Keras. Python’s extensive resources in this area will support your learning journey.

When to Learn R

  1. Learn R for Advanced Statistical Analysis: If you need to perform detailed statistical analysis, consider learning R. R has a wide range of packages for advanced statistical methods that can be beneficial for in-depth analysis.
  2. Focus on Data Visualization: If your projects require advanced and highly customizable visualizations, R’s ggplot2 is a powerful tool. It offers more options for creating detailed and tailored plots compared to Python.
  3. Use R for Specialized Methods: If you encounter specific statistical methods that are well-supported in R, it may be worth learning R for those particular tasks. R often provides built-in support for these methods.
  4. Explore Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA): R’s tools for exploratory data analysis are strong and can be useful for summarizing and understanding your data before applying machine learning models.


  • Start with Python if you’re new to machine learning, as it is easier to learn and has extensive libraries for various tasks. Python is ideal for general machine learning, data manipulation, and visualization, and it provides a solid foundation for deep learning.
  • Learn R if you need advanced statistical analysis, specialized methods, or highly customizable data visualizations. R excels in these areas and can complement your Python skills when necessary.

By following this approach, you can build a strong foundation in machine learning and use both Python and R effectively according to your needs.

What R Topics Are Enough for Machine Learning

Based on my hands-on experience, these R topics are sufficient for a solid understanding of machine learning:

Essential R Topics for Machine Learning

  1. Basic Data Handling and Manipulation
    • Data Frames and Tibbles: Learn how to work with data frames and tibbles for storing and manipulating data.
    • Data Cleaning: Understand techniques for handling missing values, filtering data, and transforming data.
  2. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
    • Descriptive Statistics: Get comfortable with summary statistics, distributions, and correlations.
    • Visualization: Master ggplot2 for creating various plots, such as scatter plots, histograms, and box plots, to explore data patterns and relationships.
  3. Statistical Analysis
    • Linear and Logistic Regression: Know how to perform and interpret linear and logistic regression models.
    • Statistical Tests: Familiarize yourself with common statistical tests, such as t-tests and ANOVA, to understand data distributions and model assumptions.
  4. Machine Learning Algorithms
    • Supervised Learning: Learn how to implement and evaluate algorithms such as decision trees, random forests, and support vector machines using R packages like rpart, randomForest, and e1071.
    • Unsupervised Learning: Understand clustering techniques like k-means and hierarchical clustering using packages such as cluster and factoextra.
  5. Model Evaluation and Tuning
    • Cross-Validation: Implement cross-validation techniques to assess model performance and avoid overfitting.
    • Hyperparameter Tuning: Learn how to tune hyperparameters to improve model performance.
  6. Advanced Topics (Optional)
    • Ensemble Methods: Explore advanced techniques like boosting and bagging if you need more sophisticated models.
    • Time Series Analysis: If working with time-dependent data, understanding time series analysis and forecasting can be useful.

When You Might Skip Learning R for Machine Learning: My Experience

Based on my experience in machine learning, here’s some practical advice on when you might consider focusing solely on Python instead of learning R. I hope these insights help you decide what’s best for your learning journey.

1. Beginners in Machine Learning

  • If you are new to machine learning, starting with Python is a good choice. Python is easy to learn and has many user-friendly libraries that simplify the learning process. It provides a solid foundation for understanding machine learning concepts.

2. Data Scientists Working on General Machine Learning Tasks

  • If you work on a variety of machine learning tasks, Python is highly effective. Libraries like Scikit-Learn, TensorFlow, and Keras cover most needs, from building models to evaluating them. Python’s tools are comprehensive and widely used.

3. Deep Learning Enthusiasts

  • For those focused on deep learning, Python is the preferred language. TensorFlow and Keras offer powerful tools for building and training neural networks. R’s deep learning capabilities are improving but are not as developed as Python’s.

4. Professionals in Production Environments

  • In many production settings, Python is the standard due to its integration capabilities and support for deployment tools. If you are involved in deploying machine learning models or integrating them into production systems, Python is often more practical.

5. Those Who Prefer Python’s Ecosystem

  • If you are already familiar with Python and prefer its ecosystem for data manipulation, visualization, and machine learning, it may be more convenient to continue using it. Python’s libraries offer extensive functionality for most machine-learning tasks.

6. Individuals Focused on Automation and Scalability

  • For tasks involving automation and scalability, Python’s flexibility and library support are advantageous. Python excels at automating workflows and handling large-scale projects.

While R is strong in certain areas like statistical analysis and advanced visualizations, you might choose to skip learning R if you are a beginner, focus on general machine learning or deep learning, or work in environments where Python’s integration and deployment tools are important. Python provides a solid and practical foundation for most machine-learning projects.

Comparison of Python and R Libraries for Machine Learning

FunctionalityPython LibrariesR LibrariesMy Favorites
Data ManipulationPandas, NumPydplyr, data.tablePandas (Python), dplyr (R)
Data VisualizationMatplotlib, Seaborn, Plotlyggplot2, lattice, plotlyMatplotlib (Python), ggplot2 (R)
Exploratory Data AnalysisPandas (for data manipulation and summary statistics)dplyr, skimr, DataExplorerPandas (Python), dplyr (R)
Basic Machine LearningScikit-Learn (classification, regression, clustering)caret, e1071 (classification, regression, clustering)Scikit-Learn (Python), caret (R)
Deep LearningTensorFlow, Keras, PyTorchtensorflow, keras (through R interface)TensorFlow (Python), Keras (Python)
Model EvaluationScikit-Learn (cross-validation, metrics)caret, rsample (cross-validation, metrics)Scikit-Learn (Python), caret (R)
Hyperparameter TuningScikit-Learn (GridSearchCV, RandomizedSearchCV)caret (train function)Scikit-Learn (Python), caret (R)
Ensemble MethodsScikit-Learn (RandomForest, GradientBoosting)randomForest, xgboostScikit-Learn (Python), xgboost (R)
Specialized MethodsXGBoost, LightGBM (gradient boosting)xgboost, lightgbm (via R interface)XGBoost (Python & R)
Time Series AnalysisStatsmodels, Prophetforecast, tsibbleProphet (Python)
Deployment ToolsFlask, Django, FastAPI (for model deployment)plumber (for model deployment)Flask (Python)

Key Insights

  • Data Manipulation: For handling and preparing data, both Pandas in Python and dplyr in R are effective. I prefer Pandas for its ease of use and flexibility.
  • Data Visualization: Matplotlib in Python and ggplot2 in R are both strong for creating visualizations. I favor Matplotlib for its customization options.
  • Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA): Pandas and dplyr are both useful for exploring data. I recommend Pandas for its broad functionality.
  • Basic Machine Learning: Scikit-Learn in Python and caret in R are great for basic machine learning tasks. Scikit-Learn is my top choice due to its extensive features.
  • Deep Learning: For deep learning, TensorFlow and Keras in Python are highly recommended. I find them to be the most powerful and versatile tools available.
  • Model Evaluation: Both Scikit-Learn and caret offer strong tools for evaluating models. I prefer Scikit-Learn for its detailed metrics and cross-validation methods.
  • Hyperparameter Tuning: Scikit-Learn and caret both provide effective hyperparameter tuning tools. I lean towards Scikit-Learn for its comprehensive tuning options.
  • Ensemble Methods: For ensemble learning, Scikit-Learn and xgboost in R are highly effective. I favor xgboost for its performance in both Python and R.
  • Specialized Methods: XGBoost and LightGBM are excellent for advanced modeling techniques. I use them in both Python and R.
  • Time Series Analysis: Prophet in Python is my preferred tool for time series forecasting due to its user-friendly interface.
  • Deployment Tools: For deploying machine learning models, Flask in Python is my go-to tool because of its simplicity and ease of use.

Resources to Learn Python Programming

S/NCourse NameRatingTime to Complete
1. Python for Everybody  – Coursera4.8/58 months
2.Introduction to Python Programming– Udacity FREE CourseNA5 Weeks
3.Crash Course on Python– Coursera4.8/531 hours
4.Python for Absolute Beginners– Udemy4.5/54 hours
5.Introduction to Data Science in Python– DataCampNA4 hours
6.Python Programming For Beginners– Udemy4.6/511.5 hours
7.Programming for Data Science with Python Udacity4.7/53 months
8.Python Basics for Data Science– edXNA5 Weeks
9.Automate the Boring Stuff with Python Programming– Udemy4.6/59.5 Hours
10.Python for Data Science and AICoursera4.6/522 hours
11.Programming in Python: A Hands-on Introduction SpecializationCoursera4.6/54 months
12. The Python Bible™ | Everything You Need to Program in Python– Udemy4.6/59 hours

Resources to Learn R Programming

  1. R Programming – Johns Hopkins University
  2. Statistics with R Specialization– Duke University
  3. Learn R with DataCamp
  4. Programming for Data Science with R– Udacity
  5. R Programming A-Z™ Udemy
  6. Data Science: Foundations using R Specialization– Johns Hopkins University
  7. Data Science with R– Pluralsight
  8. Hands-On Programming with R
  9. R for Data Science
  10. The Art of R Programming
  11. An Introduction to Statistical Learning With Applications in R
  12. R Packages

My Clear Preference: Python for Machine Learning

I prefer Python for machine learning because:

  • Versatility: Python has a wide range of libraries, such as Pandas for data manipulation, Scikit-Learn for basic machine learning, and TensorFlow and Keras for deep learning.
  • Ease of Use: Python’s simple and clear syntax makes it easy to learn and use.
  • Community Support: Python has a large, active community, providing many resources and support.
  • Deployment: Tools like Flask and FastAPI make it straightforward to deploy machine learning models.

Overall, Python’s extensive tools and ease of use make it the best choice for most machine learning projects.


So, I have shared everything related to my Machine Learning journey with you. I hope it will help you and clear your doubts about “Python or R For Machine Learning?“. If you have any doubts or queries, feel free to ask me in the comment section. I am here to help you.

All the Best for your Career!

Happy Learning!

Thank YOU!

Though of the Day…

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.

– Henry Ford

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Written By Aqsa Zafar

Founder of MLTUT, Machine Learning Ph.D. scholar at Dayananda Sagar University. Research on social media depression detection. Create tutorials on ML and data science for diverse applications. Passionate about sharing knowledge through website and social media.

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