7 Best Free Deep Learning Online Courses and Tutorials in 2025

best free deep learning online courses

Are you looking for the Best Free Deep Learning Online Courses? If yes, then you are in the right place. In this article, you will find the 7 best free deep learning online courses. So give it a few minutes and find out the best deep learning online courses free for you.

Now, without any further ado, let’s get started-

Best Free Deep Learning Online Courses

1. Intro to Deep Learning with PyTorch– Udacity

Time to Complete- 2 Months

This is a free deep-learning online course. In this course, there are 9 lessons. The course begins with the neural network and PyTorch basics.

After that, you will learn convolutional neural network basics such as Applications of CNNs,  Loss & Optimization, Defining a Network in PyTorch, Training the Network, Convolutional Layer, etc.

Next, you will learn the Recurrent Neural Networks and the Basics of LSTM. At the end of this course, you will build a model that can read some text and make a prediction about the sentiment of that text, whether it is positive or negative using RNN.

Overall, this course is a very in-depth course to learn deep learning using PyTorch. The course doesn’t cover only theory, which is the best part of this course. There are various quizzes and exercises in this course.

Who Should Enroll?

  • Those who are comfortable with Python and data processing libraries such as NumPy and Matplotlib.

Interested to Enroll?

If yes, then start learning- Intro to Deep Learning with PyTorch

2. Applied Deep Learning: Build a Chatbot – Theory, Application– Udemy

Time to Complete- 6hr 8min

This is another free course to learn deep learning. In this course, there are 8 sections. First, you will learn RNN and LSTM. In section 2, you will learn Sequence Modeling, Attention Mechanism in LSTMs, and How Attention Mechanisms Work.

From section 3, the practical part will begin and you will learn the PyTorch basics, how to process the data using PyTorch, how to prepare the data, and how to build and train the model using Deep Learning Algorithms.

Overall, this is a good course if you want to understand the complete process of building a deep-learning model using PyTorch.

Who Should Enroll?

  • Those who have some basic knowledge about Neural Networks and are comfortable with Python programming.

Interested to Enroll?

If yes, then start learning- Applied Deep Learning: Build a Chatbot – Theory, Application

3. Intro to TensorFlow for Deep Learning– Udacity

Time to Complete- 2 months

In this course, first, you will learn machine learning basics. After that, you will be introduced to the Fashion MNIST dataset and understand the neural network.

This course will also cover convolutional neural networks in detail. Next, you will learn transfer learning, time-series forecasting, NLP, and Tensorflow Lite. You will also learn how to use TensorFlow lite to build machine learning apps on Android, iOS, and IoT devices.

Who Should Enroll?

  • Those who know Python programming and basic algebra.

Interested to Enroll?

If yes, then start learning- Intro to TensorFlow for Deep Learning

4. Intro to Deep Learning– Kaggle

Time to Complete- 4 hrs

In this free deep learning online course, you will learn how to build your own neural network using Keras and Tensorflow. In this course, you will apply neural networks to regression and classification.

Throughout this course, you will apply your learning to real-world datasets. In the end, you will detect the Higgs Boson With TPUs.

Who Should Enroll?

  • Those who have a good understanding of machine learning.

Interested to Enroll?

If yes, then start learning- Intro to Deep Learning

5. Introduction to Deep Learning-edX

Time to Complete- 16 weeks

The course material this course is freely available, but for a certificate, you have to pay. Which I think is not required. In this course, you will learn the fundamental concepts of deep learning.

You will learn the types of neural networks, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), Recurrent Neural Networks, Bias, and Discrimination in Machine Learning.

Overall, this is not a very detailed course but good for understanding the basics of deep learning.

Who Should Enroll?

  • Those who have programming knowledge and mathematics (linear algebra, statistics) knowledge.

Interested to Enroll?

If yes, then start learning- Introduction to Deep Learning

6. Deep Learning Fundamentals with Keras-edX

Time to Complete- 5 weeks

In this course, there are 4 modules. In the first module, you will understand deep learning and neural network basics. The second module will cover gradient descent, backpropagation, and activation functions.

The third module is all about deep learning libraries such as Keras. In the last module, you will learn deep learning algorithms CNN and RNN.

This is a good course for learning Deep learning using Keras. But this is not a very detailed course for deep learning.

Who Should Enroll?

  • Those who are comfortable in Python programming and Machine Learning.

Interested to Enroll?

If yes, then start learning- Deep Learning Fundamentals with Keras

7. Basics of Deep Learning– Udemy

Time to Complete- 1hr 46min

This is a very basic course. In this course, there are 7 sections. The first two sections cover the history of deep learning. Next, you will learn the key concepts of deep learning and how to improve the model.

This course also covers  Convolutional networks and Recurrent networks. This is not a practical course. You will understand the theoretical concepts of deep learning.

Who Should Enroll?

  • Those who know basic mathematics.

Interested to Enroll?

If yes, then start learning-Basics of Deep Learning.

And here the list ends. I hope these Best Free Deep Learning Online Courses will definitely help you. I would suggest you bookmark this article for future referrals.

My Recommendation

I would recommend Intro to Deep Learning with PyTorch by Udacity. Because this is a detailed course and its content is well-structured and covers theoretical and practical concepts of deep learning. I never found a free course that covers the concepts in detail, but this course is in-depth and covers deep learning in detail.

Now it’s time to wrap up.


In this article, I tried to cover the 7 Best Free Deep Learning Online Courses. If you have any doubts or questions, feel free to ask me in the comment section.

All the Best!

Enjoy Learning!

Thank YOU!

Learn Deep Learning Basics here.

Though of the Day…

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.

– Henry Ford
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Written By Aqsa Zafar

Founder of MLTUT, Machine Learning Ph.D. scholar at Dayananda Sagar University. Research on social media depression detection. Create tutorials on ML and data science for diverse applications. Passionate about sharing knowledge through website and social media.

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